Geregistreerd: 12 jul 2004 12:43 Woonplaats: the seven seas
Filip Freriks ziet er nu al uit alsof hij op instorten staat =D Neen, ik ga strakjes lekker naar bed, en om een uur of 7 sta ik weer op voor een update.
Geregistreerd: 13 nov 2006 11:54 Woonplaats: Tilburg
Zijn jullie er voor opgebleven? Anyway ben ook blij dat Obama heeft gewonnen. Ken zijn standpunten niet echt goed maar ik had meer zoiets van een frisse wind lijkt me ook weleens goed voor Amerika denk niet dat McCain die kon bieden door zijn leeftijd. Daarnaast hoorde ik dat zijn gezondheid niet al te best is. Wat heb je er aan als ie na een jaar ofzo al vervangen moet worden omdat ie z'n baan niet meer aankan.
Geregistreerd: 25 jul 2004 13:33 Woonplaats: Sagamiono, Japan
Lol. Opblijven. Niet mogelijk met een Kanji-test en een strenge leraar Indonesisch de volgende ochtend.
Ook is het mogelijk goed te slapen, op te staan en de British leger radio (BFBS, British Forces Broadcasting Service) aan te zetten tijdens het douchen. Heerlijk hoe die lui de overwinning van Obama proberen te compenseren met Mr. T scetches.
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Geregistreerd: 30 jun 2004 10:15 Woonplaats: Haarlem / Amstordam
RobertJ schreef:
Goed een kwart van de Amerikanen wilde deze president, de rest stemde voor die andere zoutstengel en de helft van de Amerikanen bleef zowiezo thuis.
Democatie is nou eenmaal niets anders dan twee wolven en een schaap die mogen stemmen over wat ze gaan eten. Maar ja, vooralsnog hebben we geen beter systeem, dus we zullen het er mee moeten doen (een willekeurige dictator zal mogelijk een ander antwoord geven, maar goed).
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Goed een kwart van de Amerikanen wilde deze president, de rest stemde voor die andere zoutstengel en de helft van de Amerikanen bleef zowiezo thuis.
Democatie is nou eenmaal niets anders dan twee wolven en een schaap die mogen stemmen over wat ze gaan eten. Maar ja, vooralsnog hebben we geen beter systeem, dus we zullen het er mee moeten doen (een willekeurige dictator zal mogelijk een ander antwoord geven, maar goed).
een goed voorbeeld van de gedachtegang van de algemene mens. het is niet zo dat je je maar overal bij neer moet leggen altijd 'omdat het maar zo is'. dan zeg ik nog altijd; samen staan we sterk, en we hoeven ons lang niet altijd neer te leggen bij de keuzes van mensen die de hogere macht hebben. alleen omdat de meeste mensen gewoon te bang zijn voor 'wat anders' leggen ze zich er maar bij neer.
Geregistreerd: 24 jul 2004 19:13 Woonplaats: Another World
Dejiko schreef:
RobertJ schreef:
Goed een kwart van de Amerikanen wilde deze president, de rest stemde voor die andere zoutstengel en de helft van de Amerikanen bleef zowiezo thuis.
Democatie is nou eenmaal niets anders dan twee wolven en een schaap die mogen stemmen over wat ze gaan eten. Maar ja, vooralsnog hebben we geen beter systeem, dus we zullen het er mee moeten doen (een willekeurige dictator zal mogelijk een ander antwoord geven, maar goed).
hmm ik weet niet ik ben toch een voorstander van directe democratie en niet dat alle stemmen van een staat gaan naar diegene die daar de meeste stemmen haalt.
dus als je de grote staten nipt wint en de rest totaal verliest dan kan je nogsteeds president worden. (ik meende dat je 30% van de stemmers maar nodig hebt mits die uit de juiste staten komen)
en zo'n systeem zou in nederland ook mis kunnen gaan kijk maar naar belgieen die ook staten regeringen hebben en een nationale regering (nouja als ze er daar al uit zijn wie dat is)
@RobertJ maar obama heeft ook de popularity vote gewonnen 51% van de mensen heeft op hem gestemd.
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UPDATED: 25-11-2008
Geregistreerd: 05 jul 2006 18:58 Woonplaats: Asten, Nederland
xd sommige americanen vinden het echt niet leuk dat Obama heeft gewonnen
America's Election (if you don't like politics, skip this)
jadesun Well, America... I hope you're happy. You just elected a Socialist.
Obama will now scale down our military. He already said so... and so my hometown is going to die. Our air force base will go up for the BRAC (Base Reassignment and Closure) List next year... and it will be closed. It was dangerously close to it for the last 2 years... now it will be certain. My brother will lose his job. My dad will lose his job. Katie's dad will lose his job. My friend Heather will lose her job. Everyone I KNOW back home will now lose their jobs. The entire reason my hometown exists is for that base... now it will all close down as people leave. My hometown will become a fucking ghost town.
Also, my friend Fox's dad will have to down-size his business (due to the new taxes for "rich" people and small businesses) and plenty of those people... the ones that work for a living... will lose their jobs. So much for helping out the middle class.
Israel is screwed. Obama is no friend to Israel. And since he's downsizing the military, we won't have any military to help them out anyway. And we will now probably apologize to the Middle East instead of continuing to fight anyone that bombs us, condones bombing us, or aids those who bomb us. Oh, and my us, I mean CIVILIANS on OUR LAND. Even if everyone else is whining about this war, I'm not. I will not forget September 11. They killed us on our land. Whether you're sick of fighting and war, or weather you believe we shouldn't do it in this manner, at least we did SOMETHING against those who killed our loved ones that day. We also brought more prosperity to the region, governmental stability, democracy, and got rid of psycho dictators that kill their own people. I remember England apologizing the the Muslims and those Middle Eastern terrorists... and I remember them getting bombed again and again. Because apologizing does not get you anywhere with extremists that want you dead because you are not Muslim. However, since President Bush fought back... you know, it's amazing how we HAVEN'T been bombed again. Surprise, surprise.
Back to the point... energy prices will go through the roof, because he will enforce insane environmental protections against energy companies, they will have to retro-fit new technologies into their plants to make them legal... and the cost for those technologies will be passed down to everyone. Even though "global warming" and "carbon footprints" are bullshit. Volcanoes release WAY more carbon dioxide and green house gases than human beings, and even if we did release so much carbon dioxide, it's really funny how when you graph climate trends on earth right next to carbon dioxide emissions, there's not really any correlations... but when you graph climate trends right next to solar activity, the graphs match nearly EXACTLY. So when someone can show me actual PROOF of global warming, maybe then I'll believe that paying out the nose for energy is worth cutting down on our "carbon footprint".
But it won't matter, because taxes for everyone that PAYS taxes will go up anyway. Everyone that doesn't pay taxes will be getting a "tax refund" for taxes they never paid... aka a welfare check. Redistribution of wealth. Give the poor all the money the others worked hard for. Socialism at its finest. And for those of you who want to accuse me of not knowing what Socialism is, or for those of you who do not believe Obama is a Socialist, this is the definition:
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. 2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory. 3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
AKA - Any time the government gets enough power to control the production and distribution of power, land, and money for the good of the collective, it is SOCIALISM. Obama wants to redistribute wealth by way of raising taxes on the rich, investing in more collectivist social security and welfare, and promoting government-run health care. People then become dependent on the government to take care of them instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Once people can not control their own lives, the government then has all the power.
Now I know a lot of people think this sounds wonderful. It's so wonderful to pity the "less fortunate" and many people want to make things so FAIR. Well, I hate to tell you, but those people that are "rich" or even the very elite, worked HARD to get that money. A lot of those people were born DIRT poor. They deserve every damn cent of their own money. I don't care if you're starving. Work hard and get money yourself. Besides, most of the time the POOR PEOPLE in AMERICA are equivalent and sometimes better off than RICH PEOPLE in other countries! I can't pity them too much.
America got money and power through capitalism and it got its power through force. This is not a country based on pitying people... and even though this sounds meaner and harsher, we are the richest nation on earth because of it. By adopting an apologetic attitude, downsizing the military, and having the government enforce more legislation regulating our economy, we will be losing the very things that made America as wonderful as it is.
And before anyone accuses me of being rich, I was born dirt poor. I had to live with my mother and 2 older brothers after my parents were divorced... we were DIRT POOR. We did not have TV, we did not have luxuries... and there were times my mother DID NOT EAT just to feed us. HOWEVER... I am working hard, I'm getting educated through my own hard work and good grades, and I look forward to having a $100,000+/year job as an adult. Since Obama's definition of "rich" keeps moving downwards, I assume I will be deemed "filthy rich" and taxed to hell and back. And I was born dirt poor.
It is no longer about who worked hard to make it for themselves... it's about making sure everyone has the same amount of everything... including money. This is Socialism. I hope to God that some of the more conservative and centralist Democrats in the House and the Senate will keep some reigns on this and keep Obama from doing anything too rash. Like kicking out our First and Second Amendments. We already know he despises anyone that clings to religion and guns... the right to free speech and assembly (like in church or religious beliefs) and the right to bear arms (individually own guns) might be in danger; you never know.
And because this is my journal, and to throw it in there... I hope all the pro-abortionists are happy, too. Quoting Obama "The first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act". That act allows partial-birth abortion. It's like saying "it's okay if you're having your baby at month 9! If you decide you don't want it, we'll kill it even if you're in labor!" This act also gets rid of parental notification AND USES TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR ABORTIONS. This is despicable. It makes me ILL. Fine, if you want an abortion, if you want to live with slaughtering an innocent child, it's you. But to use MY MONEY TO DO IT? What is WRONG with anyone who thinks this is a good idea??
At any rate, here's a cute little cartoon that says just what Obama is about. I'm going to go mourn for my country now.
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